The BPS MTEL Prep Program offers preparation courses with small group and individual coaching sessions for many of the most challenging MTELs.

Passing the MTEL is often the last and most difficult step for educators seeking licensure advancement.

If you’re interested in the BPS MTEL Prep Program, please fill out the BPS MTEL Prep intake form linked below. If you have questions, please email:

Program Model

The core program includes:

  • Preparation courses of multiple sessions to go over the core material covered in the designated MTEL.

  • Small group study sessions and individual sessions after the prep course.

  • Free vouchers will be given upon successful completion of course requirements!

  • Individual coaching sessions available during day, evenings, and weekends.

The BPS MTEL Prep Program is offered year round (spring, summer, fall and winter). Depending on the MTEL, the prep courses can be from 4 to 25 hours of class time. MTEL Prep courses are typically offered in the evening or on weekends. Course registration will be posted in the District and BTU Bulletins during the months of September, January, March, and May.

Participants can also contact to be placed in a class.

Classroom full of adults looking at one person standing in front.
Classroom full of adults looking at one person standing in front.

Supported MTELs

BPS MTEL Prep Program offers prep courses for the following MTELS:

  • Communication and Literacy Reading Subtest

  • MoGEA (Missouri General Education Assessment) Writing

  • Foundations of Reading*

  • General Curriculum Multi-Subject Subtest*

  • General Curriculum Math Subtest*

  • English as a Second Language

  • MTEL Flex

*These MTELs are required for Moderate Disability Licensure


BPS MTEL Prep Program utilizes a system of data cycles of pre-assessment, instruction, post-assessment, and intervention that has led to passing rates that averages the state for our teachers of color.


  • Participants should be employed by Boston Public Schools.

  • Participants should be committed to attending all course sessions and completing all coursework.

How to sign up

Please complete the BPS MTEL Prep intake form which can be found below

  • Prep courses are also posted on District and BTU Bulletins during the month of September, January, March and May.

  • MTEL Prep information is also sent to educators through BTU Bulletin.

For more information

If you are an out-of-State Applicant, you can learn about what type of license you should apply to here:

Here is general information about MTEL Subject Matter Test Requirements: