The Community Investor

Teaching is a way that you can contribute to the change you want to see in our society.

You believe teaching is a social justice practice. You want the kids you teach to know their contexts and communities... and to understand that they can affect these.

You value: voice, community, courage, integrity, trust

Green illustration of person with dreadlocks holding a poster with a peace sign, and a megaphone. They are smiling, and surrounded by energetic marks.

Back-to-school tips

Community Investors thrive on a healthy, vibrant community. Start the new year by laying the groundwork for a robust class community and renew your ties with your broader school community.

  • Parents and caregivers are central to your students' community. Prepare an outline of the first few weeks for parents to engage them in the work you will all do together this year.

  • Reconnect with your school community. Make the rounds to say a happy new year to custodial, lunchroom, administrative staff, as well as partners.

  • Get your class blog, twitter, or instagram ready. Set up how you will connect with students and families beyond the classroom.

Meet a BPS Community Investor

Woman with dark hair and light skin tone and glasses smiling

Gina Cogan

Gina is a BPS Teaching Fellowship graduate and an ESL teacher at the Boston Adult Technical Academy (BATA). BATA is an alternative program for older students, ages 19-22, many of whom are recent immigrants.

How she came to teaching: This is Gina’s second teaching career, after a long stint as a Professor of Asian Religion. She sought an opportunity to address the power imbalance in a city she loves, and saw teaching as a way to enact her commitment to social justice.

What keeps her motivated: Gina loves the a-ha moments when she sees students “level up.” She watches students over the year develop from struggling to read to performing in Shakespeare plays, joyful in the performance.

How she’s trying to grow: Gina is learning about the power of productive struggle for her students. She is realizing the moments that she can step back and allow her students to learn and talk with some space from her.

What she seeks to nurture in her students: Gina’s students are often balancing adult responsibilities, attending school alongside working and caring for their families. Keeping up their stamina and motivation is tough; she works hard to develop her relationships with her students so that she can make her lessons engaging and relevant.